It’s been a while since we’ve released a new video, so today, we’ve got a video for you, “Marketing Tips For Artists: A Guide to Planning Your Social Media Content.”
This video covers the following areas to help you analyze, streamline and generally get the most out of your social media marketing:
Auditing Your Social Media Accounts
Your audience/demographic
Matching your demographic to the correct service
Analyzing tactics
How to learn and improve
Business goals
Social Media goals
Platform goals
Measuring success
Content types
More tactics and practical ideas
Well, this video course is for artists that have a desire to make more money. As usual, this could be new artists, business owners, or those that are established and realize that in order for them to have more time to create art, they really got to hone in on the social media content planning process.
This may not be for the person that has no desire to make money from their art. But it can still be helpful if you are somebody that just likes to share art, for just pure enjoyment of sharing inspiration in beauty with others. Now let's look at why planning content is so important.
If we don't plan we plan to fail.
And that has been proven in my life, personally and in my business, not planning allows someone else or something else to take control of your day, your week, and your minutes just disappear. So not only does planning help us by saving us time, it helps us to stay ahead and be prepared for those larger events, whether they be art fairs, local community events, holidays, sales, whatever it may be, it also allows us to batch our work.
With that said, let’s dive into the video…….