Let’s talk about FAQ’s — I get asked this question several times a week. In fact, someone literally brought this up, earlier this morning.
There is a general consensus that galleries are a dying industry, albeit, the remnant will always have their place in the world. And given the scarcity of quality galleries — and the premium value of showcasing with them — they have their pick of the crop, regarding artists they showcase.
So, what does it take to get the attention of galleries today, using Instagram? Actually, first of all — given the overwatered nature of art on instagram — is there a way to get the attention of galleries? Yes, of course, there is.
Using purely instagram, there a number of strategic plays an artist can make to get the attention of galleries. In my opinion — it’s less about the numbers you have and more about the amount of times one can get their attention.
At the moment, I currently run about 10 fine-art pages on instagram. Boldbrush being the most prominent one, given the nature of it’s standing in the fine-art world and how often I am able to spin it viral. And so, people are often doing us asking how to get featured. Now, as a point of reference, I will view the Boldbrush page as an online gallery to illustrate this point. Because the same way someone can get my attention for a feature, is the same, by nature, to gain a feature at a local, brick and mortar gallery.m
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