How to Turn Social Media Likes Into Newsletter Subscribers
From Awareness to Audience with Personal Outreach
The idea that follows is part of our Circles of Art Marketing Model. Specifically, it covers just one part of how to move people from the “Awareness” Circle (Social Media), to the Audience Circle (Your email list). As always, we will be doing this in an by following the guiding principles of The Way of the Bold Brush, which is respectful, different, non-coercive and human-centered and not machine and metrics driven.
If you haven’t heard of our Circles of Art Marketing we will be covering the improved version in an upcoming series, however, here’s the updated version in a graphic:
By the way, if you are a visual artist and do NOT host with FASO, we cover these topics in more depth, and with bi-weekly live sessions in our new BoldBrush Circle Membership. If you ARE a FASO member - you already have access to BoldBrush Circle of Marketing inside your FASO account.
On to today’s update….
What if I told you "Likes" on your posts, if you do a little more work than just scrolling by, were actually marketing leads that can grow your email list?
Here's how:
Our top strategies to market art involve an email list and personal outreach.
When we tell artists this, they often say, "How do I get people on my mailing list?"
One way to get people on your mailing list is to go through all your contacts, all the people you interact with in your email box, and people you know in real life. Most people know at least 150 people, so it rings hollow (to me) when someone says they don’t have anyone to approach when they start email marketing.
But you can also grow your email list to people you don’t necessarily know just by being more strategic with how you approach social media.
Here’s how….