Artists get so hung up on "driving traffic" to their websites that they often ignore their most important prospects.

Selling art is not a numbers game, it's a demographics game. You're not looking for the biggest audience, your looking for the least crowded audience that would be interested in your art.

The least crowded audience is where you should focus your best efforts and no audience is less crowded than your own contact list

Then, market outward in layers, and in descending order of importance (and descending effort) from your least crowded audience to your most crowded audience.

Market like this: personal calls to past buyers, personal emails to best prospects, email newsletter to subscribers, social media posts to followers, blog posts to drive traffic.
This list is from most important to least important.

Notice how at each step, the amount of effort goes down and the number of potential people reached goes up. You can repurpose the content you create at each layer to fuel the content at the next layer. That's what I mean by "market award in layers"

You marketing outward from the innermost layer - your most engaged fans to the outermost layer - "the world.".

Related: Read 1,000 true fans (kk.org/thetechnium/10…).
You do not want to target the masses - you want to build a relatively small but powerful list of true fans.

We’ll be expanding these ideas into more specific, actionable ideas for our paid members. Click the button below if you’d like to join The Sovereign Artist Club.
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