Plan to use square space in the future; not selling at this time. Love your site/boldbrush.

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I switched from Squarespace to FASO because I find that it is so much easier to use and update than square space and you receive so much more from FASO as a member than from Squarespace.

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Thanks! We find artists usually fall into one of two camps - love FASO and dislike Squarespace or visa-versa. Glad you are in the first camp!

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I started with a Squarespace site, with a graphic design background i loved their page builder, but they aren't geared to selling art in the best of ways. I switched to Artstorefronts as my main art site. although their visual builder vastly pales in comparison but the robust art selling options is what drew me to them

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Thanks for your feedback.

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I had a FASO account for a couple of years and I really love the mission, as well as the built-in exposure, email, price, etc. But I just didn't enjoy the interface for editing/updating my pages, and the clunky workarounds for certain elements that are simply a given in the other builders left me not updating my website for over 6 months. I wish I could recall what workaround specifically left me so confused, even after getting help, that I decided to go back to Squaresapce.

If FASO had a more visually intuitive builder I would jump ship in a heartbeat. Of course I'm just one person, but that's my take.

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We might have something for you if you email me at clint@boldbrush.com

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Been w Faso so long. It is cumbersome in a beautiful world of visual art. Squarespace is easy and does not have coding issues. I plan to switch this year. I love AIS and OPA and know many plein air folks, therefore, Faso has been the place to watch in the past. Faso also makes it hard to sell on Instagram. Now my business is not in need of this

Feature, but no one AT all could assist me with this functionality. So many hours.

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Email me at clint@boldbrush.com - I might have a solution for you.

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