This was so meaningful. Thank you, Clint.

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Thanks for this great analogy on my all time favorite holiday story. It reinforced what I've been thinking all year, that once I believe I'm creating art for money, my paintings look dead. When I think of how I love the painting process and how it may delight others, the paint comes to life. Merry Christmas to you and to all!

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Wonderful story! Maybe a message to me: I had raised all my prices because others had, and because "professional artists" had scolded me for charging too little. Doing so, I had abandoned all my local viewers and buyers. It made me rethink what my true purpose was, and that was to make people happy. Money and fame are not my #1 purpose! Thank you and Merry Christmas!

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I know personally of what he speaks. As a child, I wanted to capture the beauty I saw in the world, and give it back for others to enjoy. I have been blessed several times in my life, by a small handful of people. But in general I keep asking "Why am I here?" when I do art shows, and come home with all that I took! Last year with 4 major shows, and close to $4000, I had one sale, for $15 to a 10 year old! Yes, finding the passion to paint...once again, is my Christmas wish!

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Well done! Thanks.

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Ha Ha! Well written. The barrage of ads and sales and buy this and that. It is driving me crazy! I haven't been sending emails and codes about sales. It's been quiet - a respit from the nonsense. My Christmas Wishes for all are about to be sent! Love this message.

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