Quickly, my faux pas was not knowing the cultural rituals in a foreign country. I paid an embarrassing price. But we learn from our mistakes… hopefully.

Your list is accurate and concise Clint. Our thing I might add is know how to use criticism. People believe this is a bad word with reason.

It is used many times to criticize… and not critique.

I once joined a critiquing site to give advice to younger artists. They asked questions and a group of us would respond. It gets

extremely difficult hen you don’t know the skill level or knowledge of the questioner to give advice on a webpage about their work. The risk to offend is great. Add to which others read the information and had their own ideas that would not coincide with my suggestions.

It was disconcerting to discover how many people one can offend- who was not even the one asking the question. I left the site after a month of abuse and ridicule from quite a few- I might add- non artists and dilettantes.

But I learned more about the differences between criticism and critique. I will copy your list to my files. Thanks

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Always great to learn from mistakes! I always sandwich any critique with compliments because you are right… we do have to be sensitive to people’s feelings. Thank you for reading my article and commenting!

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Would do very well to read about history and cultures in an area before planning exhibit AND certainly before visiting area.

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Noted. Thanks for reading and commenting Alecia!

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This is everything. Thank you for sharing your insights and tips

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Thanks Adele! I hope you are having a fabulous week!

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You covered it all! Nice work!

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Thanks Heather!

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Great tips thanks

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Thanks for reading Doreen! You are most welcome

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This is a valuable lesson. Thank you, Clint.

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Thanks for reading and commenting!

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