Clintaro, only art? Craft art?

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We only host art websites, craft art is fine too. Anything hand made like that so to speak. We do require written permission to allow a non-art site to use our service. This keeps us focused only on artists as well as helping us block attempted spammers and keeping the service “pure” so to speak.

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I always put all my pricing and work information on my Art Portfolio list. I get hits(views) from around the world. But for a long time now I have not sold anything from FASO. Lots of views, no sales. Recently, I started leaving off all the information. I am typing the title then write ‘ contact the artist for info’ no sizes, no prices. If they are interest, they can contact me through FASO By leaving a request for info. I have been doing this for several months now. So far no contacts.

I sell at my gallery. I also post on FB and all I get are scam inquiries. Lots of ‘em!

I have become expert In knowing when they are scam inquiries. Now there are requests for NFT’s. I feel FASO Is my “ catalogue” site. People can see my work and contact me if they wish.

There are many reasons people are not buying art today. One is the economy, another is the Uncertainty of the political arena. Then there is price. Another issue is the confusion of what is good art. And there are newer galleries who take anyone. With and without talent.

Too many novices and beginners are posting badly produced and badly conceived work on the same sites…for cheap. Now AI is dazzling viewers with overworked, over colored, fake images. Soon AI will be making more and more images and real art will need to compete on the same playing field. And people are easily impressed with AI’s hyper finish.

My generation does not buy art anymore. The newer generations want… actually I don’t know what they want. The art of my generation is on longer fashionable. Not timely. Plus economically, they can’t afford art. They buy copies, prints and soon NFT’s.

Newer artists pander to the market and don’t challenge the intellect of people.

( this is also partly due to social media and the internet)

When marketing is discussed what is not being discussed is content. Subject matter. I feel art has lost its seriousness. The current fad circulating in movies and media are animation, super heroes, or Star-war films. Fantasy. This is not wetting the appetite for human issues in art. It is not elevating or educating a new generation

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Your comments made me curious and I checked out your website. I'm not trying to be a troll or mean but I felt the photography of your work needs help. The photos look dull, out of focus and not well cropped. Maybe working on the production as well as the look and feel of your website might yield better sales results.

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Clint- I have a year end suggestion. You have been doing so much to improve FASO. I applaud and approve all your efforts.

I think FASO is easy, has great templates and features to help members show, sell and communicate.

I would like to suggest a feature. I admit I am being a bit selfish with this request.

I have suggested FASO repeatedly to students, artists and anyone who will listen. A few told me

they would contact FASO and join. I know of one even after all these years who may have joined and don’t

remember getting a free month for the effort. But be that as it may. I am not upset.

Here is my request. When someone joins, there should one question being asked. Who recommended you to FASO?

Now, If no one has joined, then I must assume all my appeals amd cajoling was for naught. If, one or any joined, I would like to know and

hopefully get my free month. … per joinee!

I am not asking for anything you have not offered. So, it would be nice to know who took my advice and suggestion and joined this wonderful website. Thanks for listening and happy Xmas and a wonderful New Year.

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How does this work for an artist who lives outside of the US with customers in the US?

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