Wonderful article! I recall meeting with an art coach and her pivotal question was, "why do you create art?" My response..."if I don't I would die." She looked at me and said, you are an artist. This moved me in a very significant way because it was always difficult for me to say, "I am an artist." It has taken me a long time, but I have embraced this gift that was given to me by God. I create because of what He has poured into me, into my being. Thank you for beautifully sharing.

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Dal mio ultimo commento critico riguardo al sistema di cultura di marketing , noto e trovo un miglioramento riguardo alla valutazione dell'arte, tuttavia devo ancora rimarcare e non condividere qualche tua convinzione , per esempio la religione, no bisogna assolutamente escluderla come arte ci hanno nascosto e e privato-manipolato 30 milioni di anni di vera storia umana, non condivido nemmeno quando ti esprimi e dici cuore e anima , no l'anima non centra un prodotto religioso esiste la " COSCIENZA "

SALUTI Ermanno

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Awesome article!!

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So refreshing to read - thank you!

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Wonderfully said Clint. We sometimes forget we should never paint for the “ market” . The market only sells what sells. It does not

consider quality.

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Oh my gosh, yes!!!!!!!!

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