As I was reading this piece, I kept thinking I wanted to comment on this part, or that part, but then I realized as I reached the end that there were no divisions in its current of loveliness that resulted in separate parts to call out. It's just a seamless flow of insightful goodness. Kind of like water. Thank you, my friend.

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Thank you, I appreciate it.

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I am an artist and a writer, but also a recovering list maker and goal “tender”. Every word of this article makes sense to me both the big rocks first and the water. But I have also come to understand that creativity cannot be forced nor should it. Goals shift as they must. Learning to flow like water, allowing the spontaneity to enter is where the muse will emerge, as you mentioned. Thank you for sharing your perspective in such a beautiful way. Michelle

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An extraordinary review of perspective. I understand the 'rocks, sand, pebbles & water' much better after years--decades!--of life experience. I like the aspect of accomplishing the things that your entire being is drawn to, for resentment is so corrosive. But also allowing malleable moments that life's realities throw at you is priceless.

I've found that those 'throwaway' times often are crucial pieces of 'equipment' that I need and wouldn't otherwise have acquired. Allow for rhythm and patience. There are gold nuggets in taking a minute, literally, to pay attention to some small upset child, to look at people around you and recognize familiar expressions, to let your mind catch some 'butterfly' of inspiration rather than chafe at that red light.

Patience has been hard for me to learn, but it sure is a virtue. Sometimes time seems doubled or tripled when patience is applied.

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These pieces are a reminder to me as much as anyone. I still struggle to live what I have outlined, but when I do, I rarely regret it. When I fight the water, I almost always do. It's hard to go against the tide.

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