Thanks I needed that. I’m old school and learned early if you don’t do you don’t earn. However in making a living as a craftsman my work did the talking and in turn all the marketing I needed.

Not the case in the art world where I now know that if you don’t learn you won’t earn. I believe that I found the right place to do so. Thanks again

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Regarding the driving analogy, a driving instructor on TV yesterday was commenting on learners not being able to afford regular lessons and said: "Learning to drive is muscle memory. If you don't do it frequently, your skills don't stick." Similarly, learning to be creative isn't working that creative muscle.

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Great Article, Clint. Thank you for sharing this.

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This is gem 👌🏾🫶🏾

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Driving my own truck has been my belief/motto for year, BUT, has not totally adhere too!

Thank you, I love art people

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So true!! Thank you Clint for sharing!!

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Good point! Perhaps this is why I have only read 2 or 3 of these that you write! No offense. Having done this for 40+ years, many roads traveled, have learned a lot...still lots to learn, and more roads yet to explore!!

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A good and important read. Thank you

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