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Methods of Re-Creation (Part V)
We’ve been exploring ideas regarding inspiring your Muse. We normally think of a Muse as a force, or being, or a part of our subconscious that delivers inspiration from the Mystery to us. But it’s not a one-way flow from Muse to Artist. You are in a relationship with your Muse and your job is to inspire each other. If you find that your creative wellspring has run dry, that you can no longer hear the Muse’s whisper, and that you can no longer bring forth ideas from the Mystery, you may have been neglecting to properly nourish your Muse.
This series is exploring ways to to just that - to re-create your Muse and yourself so she will, once again, grace your studio, writing desk, or dance space and start inspiring you.
We started our exploration into The Muse a few weeks ago. And, for the next few weeks, I’ll outline ways that I’ve been able to bring my Muse, along with joy back into my life.
If you missed any of the previous articles you can catch up by clicking the article name below:
Methods of Re-Creation - Part I
(Journaling, Nature, Creative Play)Methods of Re-Creation — Part II
(Meditation, Reading, Meditative Living)Methods of Re-Creation — Part III
(Noticing, Gratitude, Music)Methods of Re-Creation — Part IV
(Get out of Character)
On to today’s post:
Those of you who are my age or older may remember hobbies. Remember how, prior to the internet, we all did things just for fun? We engaged in various hobbies for the sheer enjoyment of the activity.
This was before we were expected to “hustle” and “monetize” everything we did. It was before we were expected to post everything we did and thought on social media.
And, guess what?
I still do that: I play guitar, at a relatively accomplished level, for the love of it. After my creative burnout, I rekindled my love of this hobby. And I will never “monetize” it. I will never form a band (other than simply for fun.) I will never turn it into work. And I never post videos of myself playing on social media. If you do it because you must, it’s work. If you do it because you want to, it’s play. Don’t turn your play into work.
Rush’s words, “Emotional feedback on a timeless wavelength, Bearing a gift beyond price,” apply not only when listening to music, but also when creating it! Hobbies “bear gifts beyond price.” What hobbies can you undertake to reconnect with The Sovereign Artist Within?
This piece is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, The Sovereign Artist.
Inside of each of us lies a divine force - The Sovereign Artist within - a remarkable force to bring joy, peace, creativity and love back into our lives. This approach to the creative process saved me, and it can save you too, perhaps it can save us all. Connecting with The Sovereign Artist manifests as an explosion of creativity, peace, and quiet inner joy. It transforms the artist into a reflection of itself - sovereign, free, joyful and loving. If that is of interest, please click the button below to join the book’s waitlist.
Create Wonder
Sum Ergo Creo
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