Art is not something anyone physically needs. You can’t eat it, you can’t wear it, it’s not a financial investment. How do you find people who have the emotional drive to buy art. Furthermore, these people also need to have the surplus wealth to spend. In addition the buyer needs to like the type of art I make, and the particular kind I have created. They also have to be ready to buy when I’m ready to sell. Given this outlook, It’s seems almost impossible to find a regular stream of available buyers.

I’m following the suggestion given to follow people on Instagram that appear to have interest aligned with my art. But instead of potential collectors the responses is overwhelmingly from other artist liking what I do. They are also the followers. That’s all very nice,but I can’t see the connection to potential buyers from this perspective.

There was one sing up to my newsletter from a link in Instagram. I don’t have anyway to know if the person is a potential collector. But that was one person from dozens that have already visited without sing up.

The results so far from Instagram again only reinforced my suspension that selling art is a sporadic event mostly based on l luck .

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Would like to know how one goes about finding customers. I'm going to assume it is via a good marketing strategy. I am a digital artist and currently sell either via fine art websites or via POD websites (for designs on apparel). I have a website and am on IG. I've seen a bunch of folks on the internet advertising their classes as THE way to learn how to market (and, for most of them, selling classes is the way they make money, not by selling fine art or art on fabric), so I'm not interested in their classes.

Which brings up these questions (which are related):

- How would one find subscribers for a newsletter?

- How does one use IG to market?

- What are the best way to find customers to market to?


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I am on Facebook and have, of course, a FASO website. I send out newsletters regularly/monthly to over 300 subscribers. I spend a lot of time checking emails, website traffic, etc., etc. I do not have an Instagram account and I am reluctant to get involved with yet another time consuming social media platform. Is it really that important?

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Hey! In Yesterdays zoom Boldbrush workshop - the five steps to a successful studio sale - there was a gal, Becca she’s actually local in Oregon where I’m at, had a question and I thought this would be a good place to ask on her Behalf for suggestions and input - how does one find other artists like themselves, tips on network with other artists successfully - She does a lot of figurative art and a lot of the artists here locally in pdx differ in their styles and the struggle is connecting and making “Artist Friends” to be able to successfully do that step in the course where you work with six friends to share each other’s work on social media ...  if anyone has suggestions please chime in! She’s a soar sub, not the paid version I don’t think but since this is open to everyone, My hope is she will see this question, and the responses and I can also share the answers with her at the end of todays Instagram growth course if she joins.:) my personal answer would be social media - searching out artists in my area that have similar styled art.. And hitting them up in the DM’s haha or engaging with them on their posts . And then reaching out about getting together with a bunch of artist locally may be hosting something in my home etc but I’m also 36 and that’s some thing that others in my age group would do. It’s different for other generations and other people. 

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Marketing is exhausting. Last year, I sold more that I ever have and it was the year that I advertised in national magazines. This year I really don't have the funds to advertise as I haven't sold a thing this year!! Now what?

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What do art collectors look for before they buy one's art?

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Selling art is the worst part of making art, particularly if your not famous. Even worse if you have no buyers! I keep hearing if you do ABC123 consistently you are going to sell art! Every program out there who is promoting sales, has the secret ingredient, and when you find the secret ingredient(s) and you have mastered every ritualistic ABC123, and you combine that with another group of master tools you must need to do, and then more sets of things you must do, you get a lot of things that may work for some folks due to location, luck and stamina! One size does not fit all. Everyone’s situation is different. If some gallery just doesn’t like your work you are not going to be in that gallery and probably and more than likely the other galleries too. It’s a tough road, particularly if your old which I am. My art career is dwindling and not moving forward because I’m just tired. Life has gotten in the way. I don’t get to see or talk to anyone anymore because Covid has just wiped the slate clean. I spend most of my days in physical work not art work. And it appears we are in for another round in the near future. Sorry, I don’t have anyone else to talk to these days…about art, life etc. Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

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Now what were the 736 steps to sell an art work? Just kidding, but perhaps for most of us it all turns into a fuzzy ritual that still doesn’t increase my chances of ever selling art…do other folks feel this way or am I the odd man out? I have seen so many guidelines on what to do, I just turn off, due to overload. This is not a career, that is what I have to tell myself because it is not a career in the real world for me. I have already had multiple careers and retired. When I sell something, which is extremely rare, I don’t get excited because I am having to sell it at a reduced cost just to have a sale. That is my reality. How do other folks keep themselves energized and hopeful ? I love creating works, and in local galleries, there is a price point, which is low just to sell something. In many cases I am losing money! I am never going to be a national or international well known artist. I have to get real not be a “dreamer” to continue this process. Best wishes to you all…

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Please explain how viewers utilize Hashtags. Just how do Hashtags work & how are they utilized to bring viewers to my IG account?

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I'm a free-er just now. Your check-in request makes no sense to me. My BIG issue has to do with IG posts going not to my Professional IG page but a 2nd IG account! Guess I need to make the latter one a personal account. The basic issue is that my Prof. IG acct. has a user-name that is the same as the account name of the 2nd IG acct. I have tried everything in my power to change the user name with NO luck! Perhaps changing the 2nd IG acct. to a personal account will solve this situation!?!

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Just finished the zoom webinar on Instagram. I’ve got a lot of work to do. Olya, you did an awesome job of answering questions clearly and sharing your own experience. Laura’s presentation was to the point and easy to understand. I have 4 pages of notes. I finally understand how the algorithm is working. Thank you to all who made the webinar possible.

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I’ve been told to price my pieces by the square inch, but some pieces require more time per square inch. What are your thoughts on pricing?

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Am I trying to sell my art or myself?

Where are the best “places” to enable collectors to see my art?

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How do I find collectors?

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If the frame (and mat) costs more than what I am charging for my art, am I pricing my art too low?

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